Thursday, 24 April 2014

Twinings Infusions: Cherry & Cinnamon Review

I'm increasingly drinking more and more fruit teas. Refreshing, caffeine free and with interesting and innovative flavours, they make a great guilt free snack and are great for unwinding at the end of the day.

Twinings are probably my favorite brand due to the sheer number of enticing sounding flavours they offer. I absolutely adore cherries and happily douse my morning porridge in cinnamon so this cherry and cinnamon fruit tea sounded perfect.

Opening the box, a lovely faint cherry smell hit my nose. A really sweet one that almost reminded me of the Haribo Cherry sour sweets! The tea bags also looked very clean and natural. The ingredients list is very pure and you can see all the little bits of herbs and spices mingled in the bag.

Upon adding to hot water, the spicy aroma of cinnamon also wafted up though the lovely cherry smell also persisted. The water turned a beautiful ruby red and holding the warm, fruity smell cup in your hands is a comforting experience.

Taste is what I always worry about with fruit teas. Often they sound great, they smell even better but then taste of nothing, only vaguely scented water (blueberry tea I'm looking at you!)

Thankfully, this delivered. That Haribo like cherry smell also gave a Haribo like taste - sweet and almost Christmas like - and the cinnamon delivered a warming tingle. Although like most fruit teas, the smell was stronger than the taste.

This makes a great sugar free drink and is perfect for any time of day.

Price: £1.39
Available: Twinings website or major supermarkets

Pros: Sweet, sugar free, warming and comforting, actually tastes of cherry
Cons: Taste could be a litter bit stronger to match the smell.

Score: 7/10

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